X-Mars program

X-Mars program

We will fully integrate the API of ChatGPT, combine blockchain technology and Web3 technology, sell smart electronic devices, and mine through smart electronic devices, so that users can enjoy intelligent and convenient life while obtaining Xcoin rights and interests, so as to conduct user drainage.

In the future, we will also launch multi-chain wallets, AI intelligent applications and other products to bring more convenience and rights to users, and expand the data, rights and influence of the platform and ChatGPT.

Through the integration of the two sides, whether it is horizontal field or vertical field, full coverage, more comprehensive coverage of market users, will be able to further seize market share and rights, enhance international influence.

  1. Intelligent AI Watch


  2. Intelligent AI mobile phone


  3. Intelligent AI folding phone


X-Al public chain

X-mars plans to conduct certification, management, data learning and application development of artificial intelligence through Web3 technology and blockchain, and build an AI-exclusive network with AI learning ability - Mars AI public chain. At the same time, X-Mars plans to integrate ChatGPT into the Mars AI public chain, build intelligent products such as X-Mars wallet, artificial intelligence applications, and intelligent electronic devices based on the artificial intelligence learning network module, and develop them based on the ETH layer 2 network to help ChatGPT more comprehensive drainage data and help GPT-4 applications land quickly. Drive rapid iteration of ChatGPT products to help people improve their productivity and help the economy grow rapidly.

Technical support

technical support

  • Distributed artificial intelligence technology

    Distributed Artificial Intelligence Technology

  • interoperability


  • Data sovereignty and privacy

    Data sovereignty and privacy

  • modularization


  • expandability


  • Blockchain underlying technology

    Blockchain underlying technology

  • Distribution of multi-chain wallets Control Management (DCRM)

    Distributed Control Rights Management (DCRM) for Multi Chain Wallets

  • Web3.0 Technical logic

    Web3.0 technology logic

Advantages and highlights

Advantages and highlights

  • Smart Contract audit

    All smart contracts deployed on the blockchain will undergo a rigorous code audit to ensure their security and reliability.

  • Data encryption

    The user's sensitive data will be encrypted by Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) during storage and transmission to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.

  • Compliance framework

    Comply with national laws and regulations, bring in a team of legal advisers to provide compliance advice and risk management strategies to ensure the legal operation of the platform on a global scale.

Smart AI Watch: X-wach

X-wach is a smart AI watch developed based on the "large language model of personal health".

X-wach focuses on the research, learning and reasoning of human physiological and behavioral data, such as the user's exercise time and pattern, sleep time, toilet time, etc., will learn and record.

Functional characteristics

Functional characteristics

  • SN code

  • Open screen advertisement

  • AI function

  • Raise wrist screen

  • Scan code connection

  • wechat/Alipay Collection function

  • Loudspeaker

  • Bluetooth call

  • Password lock screen

  • ChatGpT

  • Spirit Island

  • Multi-language switching

Folding AI phone

AI smart phones provide users with personalized agents by embedding AI large models and use AI to optimize user interaction and enhance user experience.


Functional characteristics

  • 01

    One-sentence video clip: the user describes a sentence, which can generate a short story;

  • 02

    Text summary generation: At work, voice conference content can be generated in real-time summary.

  • 03

    Translate: Supports voice communication translation in different countries, providing valuable help for users who communicate across different languages.

  • 04

    AI photography: Through AI lens, it can help you correct your standing posture and expression management in real time, so that the photos taken are full of confidence.

AI Digital Man

Based on Mars AI public chain, Al, computer graphics, motion capture, image rendering and other technologies are used to provide enterprises with one-stop solutions from digital human avatar production, digital content production, and small model training. Mars AI public chain will land its first application in October: AI digital people live with cargo, digital people education, and digital people creation.

AI Digital Human Application

AI digital human application

  • 01

    AI digital human broadcast

  • 02

    AI digital Content creation

  • 03

    AI digital people Digital employees

  • 04

    AI digital video customer service

  • 05

    AI digital clothing

  • 06

    AI digital human IP image customization service

  • 07

    AI digital human spokesperson

AI education

AI education

The X-Mars program will apply Mars AI public chain and artificial intelligence technology to the field of education, change the existing teaching methods, and make education more efficient and accessible.
  • Develop curriculum and teaching plan
  • Differentiated learning
  • Automatic scoring
  • Virtual tutoring
  • Test preparation
  • Management and task automation
  • Identify knowledge gaps
  • Strong adaptability and equal opportunities
  • Improve virtual learning
  • Provide student feedback

X-Mars Wallet

X-Mars wallet

A feature-rich, secure and reliable cryptocurrency wallet and decentralized application (DApp) browser. Provide users with a convenient way to store, send and receive multiple cryptocurrencies and interact with the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Multi-chain support
  • Security and Privacy protection
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Fast transactions and transfers
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Security Audit and partners
  • Decentralized Application (DApp) browser

AI creation

AI Creation

The X-Mars project will launch online creation tools (intelligent copywriting, intelligent writing, drawing, AI video) based on Mars AI public chain and artificial intelligence technology. Users can generate various types of content such as articles, marketing texts, pictures and short videos by entering keywords with one click.
  • 01

    Smart copy

  • 02

    Intelligent writing

  • 03


  • 04

    AI video

AI chat

AI Chat

The X-Mars project will develop AI chatbots based on leading AI technologies, including Vertex AI Agent Builder. AI chatbots can use natural language understanding (NLU) or natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) for human-like conversation applications or interfaces.
  • 01

    Contact Center Solution

  • 02

    Virtual customer service real-time assistance

  • 03

    Generative chatbot

  • 04

    Speech function and Sentiment analysis

AI Music

AI Music

X-mars plans to integrate artificial intelligence technology into music and launch an AI music generator. It leverages the potential of AI to create custom music tracks, simplifying the music creation process and allowing users to describe the music they want based on genre, instrument and other details.

AI music generation: Use AI descriptions to convert to complete music tracks.

User friendly: "ChatGPT for music", also available to non-musicians.

Quality music: producing complex, high-quality compositions.

Democratization of music: Making music accessible to all.

Xcoin Token

Xcoin token

Xcoin is an ecological rights token issued by the X-Mars program, which is used for the program's community rewards, technical operation and maintenance, foundation, project operation, as well as the circulation, purchase, exchange, transaction, and community governance of intelligent products such as Mars AI public chain, X-Mars wallet, artificial intelligence applications, and intelligent electronic devices.

Token Description

Token Description

Token name: Xcoin
Total circulation: 100000000
Destruction: 99% Circulation: 1%

Token Description

Token Description

Community Reward: 10%
Mining pool bonus: 10%
Foundation: 5%
AI Lab: 5%
Miner output: 70%

Development route

Development route

  • July-August 2024

    Complete the final test and officially launch the X-Mars program for the world.

    Xcoin launched a centralized trading platform to open trading circulationd.

    Smart AI watches, folding AI mobile phones began to pre-sell and start mining to attract the first batch of seed users.
  • 2024 Q4-2025 Q1

    Continue the sales and mining of intelligent electronic equipment to attract more users' participation.

    Launch X-Mars Wallet, enabling digital asset management, fast transactions and money transfers;

    Mars AI public chain will land its first application in October: AI digital people live with cargo, digital people education, digital people creation;

    Xcoin has been launched on Coin win, Gate, Biget, ok, Binance and other mainstream exchanges;

    Launched a decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) function to allow users to participate in platform governance and community building.

  • 2025 Q1-2025 Q4

    Promote the internationalization of the platform, carry out localized marketing activities and community building, and attract global users;

    Explore cooperation with third-party decentralized applications and services to expand the platform ecosystem;

    Public chain gradually landed AI chat, AI creation and other artificial intelligence applications.

  • 2026-2027

    Public chain gradually landed AI music, AI education and other artificial intelligence applications;

    Launch an open API to enable developers to create and integrate more features and services on the public chain network;

    Periodically evaluate and adjust marketing and commercialization strategies to maintain the growth and profitability of the platform;

    Collaborate with academic and research institutions to promote more AI applications.

Our team

Our team

Join us

Join us

We welcome AI technology elites, computer experts, blockchain experts, technology geeks and other elite talents from all over the world. We look forward to building a good AGI (General Artificial Intelligence) network through our joint efforts, and launching more diversified vertical AI application products to help people improve work efficiency and promote rapid economic development.
  • Website designer

  • Administrative staff

  • Store manager

  • CEO

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